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Please see my Facebook page - John Wright @ Facebook, com

Monday, January 16, 2017

Do Not Let the Past Trap You

The past is always with us. You and I are products of our past experiences. There is no way around that.

The problem comes when you let your past trap you. It is nice to remember the good things in tour life and it is useful to learn from past experience, but, all too often, I see people who just cannot escape their history.

You are alive now. Any past even that haunts you, be it blissful or traumatic, is a phantom, a ghost. Ghosts haunt people, but they only have power when we give it to them. Let them go. If Aunt Sally hurt your feelings at a family picnic when you were 4 years old, so what. If Uncle Fred called you a dummy after you accidently broke his favorite fishing rod and your Dad whacked tour butt for it, what does it matter now.

It is nice to look back on life's pleasures, but do not become so lost in them that you ignore today. You can learn from yesterday's pain, but please do not keep reliving them. Life, here and today, is what you have, Before you know it, today is gone. Do not let yesterday's ghosts trap you.

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