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Please see my Facebook page - John Wright @ Facebook, com

Monday, January 23, 2017


As you read through the writings of the so-called New Age theologians, you get the idea that having an ego is a bad thing. I say so-called because all of what they write is just very watered down Eastern thought  mixed with up dated Theosophy and a dash of very bad science.

First of all, the ego, itself a term created by psychologists, is a slippery concept. It is your sense of self; your experience of your identity as a separate individual. Well, we are all separate individuals. That is simply the way things are. At one level.

It is also true that we are all linked, that each and every being in the Universe has a deep connection to every other being. That makes us a bit of a paradox, but what is, is what is.

To denigrate the ego is to misunderstand Creation. If God wanted every being to be the same, then that is how things would be and it would be a rather pointless existence. It is the dynamic, the energy, from the tension resulting from the interplay of individuals, that drives this Grand show.

The ego is not a problem. Without a sense of self, you would not likely survive and if you did, it would be a bland existence. An out of balance ego is. If you are completely overwhelmed by your own brilliance and beauty, then you have a problem and you are a problem for others.  But, guess what? Even those imbalances are necessary because they, in their own way, drive the Show.

So, go ahead and enjoy your life and pursue your own interests. Just try to balance that with the knowledge that you are tied to all other beings. You'll be fine. Stay away from half baked theology and psychobabble and you'll be fine.

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