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Please see my Facebook page - John Wright @ Facebook, com

Saturday, January 14, 2017

Trust is a 2 Way Street

We are taught and advised to be forgiving and I will not argue with that. Trust is another matter.

If someone steals from me, I will forgive them. No problem. But, will I then trust them?

Maybe yes, maybe no. Eventually, probably. They first have to give me a reason to and that can only come with time and a demonstration of their change.

What brings this to mind is our new President, Donald Trump. Trump, by all testimony and by his own admission, has done some fairly despicable things. He should, without question, be forgiven, It will do neither him, nor anyone else, any good to hold things against him.

He says that he has learned from mistakes and has changed. Maybe. Only time will tell. If he shows evidence of change, by his behavior, not just words, then trust can and should be established. Until then, we are within our rights to wait and see. There are conmen who will work the same con again and again, andwe need to be careful when dealing with them.

But, given demonstrations of change, we learn to trust. However, always keep in mind that trust is a 2 way street. No one can ask trust without establishing reasons to trust.

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