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Please see my Facebook page - John Wright @ Facebook, com

Friday, January 27, 2017

Watch Your Speech

I have, at times, been possessed of a foul mouth and, having a big voice, folks often thought that I was far grumpier than I am. Profanity is, by definition, a crude form of communication.

The way you use the language says a lot about you. It also tells you a lot about yourself. Toning down your use of harsh language is an excellent way to tone down your temper. You find yourself thinking before you speak and, much of the time, you will catch yourself about to say something either a) stupid or b) needlessly cruel or c) something you really don't mean. Controlling what comes out of your mouth is a way of gaining incite into how you go through your day and how you interact with the World around you. Jesus said that man is condemned, not by what goes into his mouth, but by every word that comes out.

Mind you, I am still not saintly. I know no one who is and I am not sure I would want to be. I still, if sufficiently provoked, will let fly a stream of profanity that is actually kind of impressive. But, I do this less and less every day. By slowing down and thinking before I spout off, I n that I really am not all that upset. The angry reaction is mostly just a bad habit.

Something as simple as watching your language is an excellent meditation, easy to practice, and you will benefit immediately.

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