
Please see my Facebook page - John Wright @ Facebook, com


Please see my Facebook page - John Wright @ Facebook, com

Thursday, January 5, 2017


There are countless religious beliefs on this Planet and I have noticed that many, whether they be Eastern or Western, Christian, Muslim, Buddhist or Hindu, are none to cheery. They have a certain distaste for life.

All too often, religious leaders bemoan life as a series of trials winding through our sojourn in this vale of tears. This needs to stop.

Yes, life is, at times sad and we are tested. If that is upsetting, all I can say is get over it. It's just a part of life and if you are concentrating on that, you have some issues to work on. Only a wee, young child expects sunshine and lollipops all the time. If things were always sweetness and light, this life would be intolerably boring.

A religion that does not bring joy, should be discarded. A religious leader who goes on at length about what rotten sinners we all are, should be removed from the pulpit.

Life, in spite of its many problems, is a joy to be celebrated. When you can manage this, you can deal with the downturns with far less problem. In your darkest times, look closely and I will assure you that somewhere in there you will see a spark of light.

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