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Please see my Facebook page - John Wright @ Facebook, com

Saturday, February 18, 2017

Let's Try the Truth

I am not going to get political today, but, watching the news now and then, I am struck by the obsession we have developed with secrets. Plans and plots are leaked to the Press and Government officials go ballistic. Internationally, plots abound and covert actions are the norm.

So, I started thinking. What do we have to lose by just telling the truth. If we are contemplating military actions, just say so. Now, you don't have to give exact battle plans, but, face it - once the battle starts, folks are going to know.

Want to manipulate economies - just come right out and say it; again, the truth will come out. At least, if everyone knows, the playing field will be level, sort of.

If we don't like certain people and don't want them here, just say so. Stop hiding behind phony fronts. For once, have the courage to speak your mind. Again, why mislead people when your actions will reveal your thoughts eventually.

By hiding the truth, by behind the scenes manipulation, by secret alliances, we accomplish nothing. This game has been played for as long as civilizations have existed and it is a bad game, a losers game, that never, ever works out well. Instead, things simply get more and more twisted, until finally, well, you see where we finally end up, in our current mess.

From the President on down, just once, I would like to hear someone say what they mean, not just politicians, but business people, educators, religious leaders, mams and dads.

John Lennon once did a song called Give Peace A Chance, a wretchedly simple minded song. Far better would be Give Truth A Chance.

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